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ARACO FLEXIBLE WP is a two component flexible polymer modified cemetitious waterproofing coating. ARACO FLEXIBLE WP is suitable for use and contact with potable water. ARACO FLEXIBLE WP can withstand negative hydrostatic pressure.

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ARACO PU Primer is a moisture curing, single pack, liquid applied polyurethane penetrating primer. ARACO PU PRIMER is formulated to compliment ARACO PU waterproofing membrane. It promotes the adhesion of polyurethane sealants to non-porous surfaces, such as rigid PVC, aluminum, glass and glazed tiles. The primer also cleans the surface from grease and activates the surfaces

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ARACO AC PROOF is a single component elastomeric water based acrylic membrane. ARACO AC PROOF has multiple waterproofing uses in residential and commercial centers.

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ARACO PU SEALER is a one component non sag polyurethane sealant that cures by reacting with the air humidity to form a tough elastic lo modulus sealant. ARACO PU SEALER is UV resistance and has excellent high adhesion characteristics to different construction materials.

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ARACO PU a high quality, single component polyurethane coating that cures by reacting with the humidity in the atmosphere to form an elastic strong film with excellent adhesion to different substrates. ARACO PU can be applied by a brush, roller or airless spray machine. ARACO PU is based on pure elastomeric hydrophobic polyurethane resin with special inorganic filler that provide the material with excellent weather resistance.

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ARACO WPR 78 is a solvent based silane- siloxane penetrating hydraulic water repellent. ARACO WPR 78 penetrates the cemetitious or stone substrate, increase the surface tension of water so that it slides away from the surface. ARACO WPR 78 allows the surface to breath by allowing water vapor to escape the substrate. ARACO WPR 78 can be used also as a primer for external paints and it is also effective for wet substrates.

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ARACO WPR 16 is a water based, ready to use, water repellent made from silane- siloxane polymers. ARACO WBP 16 penetrates the cemetitious or stone substrate, increase the surface tension of water so that it slides away from the surface. ARACO WBP 16 allows the surface to breath by allowing water vapor to escape the substrate.

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ARACO SB Bitumen Coating

ARACO SB Bitumen Coating is a quick drying solvent based low viscosity bitumen primer, it is used as a primer coat on masonry and concrete substrates to block superficial dust and porosity and to improve the adhesion of bitumen based membranes and coatings. ARACO SB Bitumen Coating is low in viscosity, which allows it to penetrate into the concrete pores and improve the adhesion between the membrane and the concrete surface. In addition to that, the primer also acts as a binder for the dust particles which gets accumulated on the concrete surface even after cleaning.

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ARACO Bit Fiber Coat is a dark black emulsified bitumen liquid reinforced with fibers specially formulated for high temperature services. When ARACO Bit Fiber Coat is fully dry, it forms a flexible and continuous water proofing and protective coating. The fibers prevents the coating from sagging or flowing even at the extreme temperature, which roofs and others parts of the building reach in summer.



ARACO PWP is an inorganic waterproofing powder admixture specially formulated to be added into dry- mixed cement based products.

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ARACO Elast Bit Coat

ARACO ELAST BIT COAT is a dark black emulsified bitumen liquid reinforced with latex rubber, formulated from selected raw materials to forms a flexible and continuous water proofing and protective coating.

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